The Backstage and Mandy Forums are places for holding healthy, robust, and civil conversations. However, on occasion someone will devolve into behavior that is inappropriate and that doesn't meet the standards of the Community Guidelines. In these cases, we ask that our users help police the forums by reporting the post. Reported posts may be deleted, edited, or otherwise altered, and repeat offenders may be banned from using the forums altogether.
Objectionable Content
Here's a general overview of posts that should be reported. Please see the Community Guidelines for more details.
Any language that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated in any form and are ground for banning after the first offense.
Images of a sexual or profane nature are discouraged.
Copyrighted Material
Full transcriptions of articles and whole or partially-scanned images (e.g. magazine scans) are prohibited.
Self-Promotion and Spam
The creation of new threads promoting a product or service you have any involvement in, or the pasting of PR materials for promotional purposes is not allowed. Neither is advertising within an existing conversation thread.
How to Report a Post
When you have identified a questionable posting, click on the Report this Post text at the bottom left of the post itself.
A dropdown will appear asking you to select a reason why you're reporting the post. Once selected, click on the Report Post button.
This will deliver a notification to the Backstage or Mandy Community moderators, who will review the post and determine if an action needs to be taken.
***Please note this reporting function is only for reporting posts made in the Backstage or Mandy Community Forums. If you are looking to report a concern about a job posting/casting call that is on Backstage or Mandy, you would want to email your concerns to or, respectively. Please be sure to try and include all pertinent information when emailing.