For users who have Backstage and/or StarNow accounts as well as a Mandy account, we are syncing the profiles connected to these accounts with your Mandy profile. We have a tool that allows the customer to make basic selections about which profile from which site they would like to use.
Mandy and Backstage are now part of the same family. Mandy's tools for both talent and employers are dated and limit the number of opportunities and active searches for talent and crew on the platform. To update those tools we need to update the entire Mandy codebase given its age — and part of that means we need to consolidate profiles together.
*As the syncing of profiles is a necessary action, please note that on October 9, 2023 automatic profile migration began for customers who did not make a choice using our provided sync tools. This automated process wrapped up on October 25, 2023. If you have questions about these actions, please feel free to contact the Backstage or StarNow customer service teams.
Why do I have to sync my profile with Mandy?
As Mandy has become part of the Backstage family, we are getting ready to bring more advanced profile tools to the Mandy platform. This change will make it easier for users to manage their profiles as the content of the profiles will be the same across all three services. This will give users more time to apply for jobs, more consistent visibility across Backstage, StarNow, and Mandy, and allow better exposure to employers.
What if I don't want to sync my profiles across the sites?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to keep the same profile types separate. If a user has an Actor & Performer profile on both StarNow and Mandy, the content will be the same. The syncing of the profile information will save a user time by not having to keep multiple profiles up to date. Adding information on one profile will automatically add it to the others. For example, now a user need only enter credits one time in one place, as opposed to having to enter them repeatedly on separate profiles! This will allow a person to be able to focus more of their time on applying for jobs and growing their career.
How do I sync my profile?
This can be done by using our new sync tool. You will be able to control which profile information you want to use.
For example, a person may want to select their Actor & Performer profile from Backstage and their Crew profile from Mandy.
Once selections have been made, the user will finish the process by selecting the "Sync Profiles" button. The profiles will then immediately sync and the action will be irreversible. The newly synced profile will be available after a small delay.
Can my decision be reversed?
Once profiles have been synced, it’s not possible to change the decision around which profile information was kept.
Will I lose any of my information?
Whatever information you choose to be kept, will overwrite the information on the other service(s). For example, if you select to use your Backstage profile content, then the information on your Mandy profile will not be saved.
What will happen to my media when the profiles are synced?
When you sync your profile(s) you will retain all of your media files across all sites.
For example: If you choose to retain your Mandy Actor profile, this will be synced across Backstage and/or StarNow. However, any media you uploaded to your Backstage/StarNow profile(s) will still be available and merged with your existing Mandy media.
Why do I need to pay for multiple subscriptions?
Backstage, StarNow, and Mandy are now part of the same family, but are unique communities with different job opportunities and talent databases. The sites conveniently allow you to share the same profile content, so you can easily keep your profiles up-to-date across the sites; and you can securely log in to both sites with the same login credentials. However, separate memberships are needed to access the full benefits of each site. Having memberships to the multiple platforms will give you access to the most job opportunities and increase your visibility to casting directors and employers.