The skills section of your profile is designed to reflect your many talents. While you may include performance-related skills, such as acting, singing, and dancing, you can also note other skills such as speaking multiple languages, athletic ability, martial arts, screenwriting, playwriting, painting, etc.
Adding Skills
To input your skills, go to 'Profile' in the header of the page and select your profile type from the dropdown menu. This will bring you to your details page. Scroll down to your 'Skills' section and select the pencil icon or click Add skills.
You will now see a pop-up window which will enable you to enter each skill.
You can now begin adding skills that you possess. Please note that some suggested skills may come up after entering just a few letters. You can also add custom skills not included in the suggestions by pressing the "Return" or "Enter" key of your keyboard.
After entering it, select the skill level using the dots and then click save after each selection. The three dots represent the levels beginner, intermediate, and expert. So if this is a new skill, you might select one dot, if this is a skill you have years of practice doing, you'd select three. You can also edit this at any time! Build those skills!
After pressing Save you will then find the skill instantly attached to your profile.
To add more skills, simply repeat the steps above.
Deleting Skills
Again, click on the blue pencil icon next to 'Skills' on your profile, Then click the trash can icon to the right of any skill you'd like to remove.