Using our audition scheduling tools, a job poster is able to easily set up in-person and virtual first time auditions as well as callbacks. In this help center article, we will cover the main 4 components of scheduling tools.
- Creating your audition schedule
- Using the schedule view and editing your audition schedule
- Organizing your schedule and sending audition requests
- Schedule view filtering
Creating Your Audition Schedule
There are several different ways you can go about creating an audition schedule. First we will cover creating your audition schedule while creating your job:
When first creating your job in the Post a Job editor, you can optionally add audition details in the Locations section:
After going into the Application Manager for your production, you can access your Audition Calendar at the bottom of the sidebar located to the left of the page.
You will see the date of your auditions as indicated below.
You will see the audition represented by the dot below the calendar date. Clicking on the date will give you the option to edit the audition schedule and add more details to it:
By clicking on Create a private audition schedule for this time you can set up the details for specific auditions. This includes:
- Audition Type
- Schedule Type
- Roles to be auditioned
- Audition time slot durations
- How you want to add the applicants to the schedule (manually or automatically)
- How you want to handle reschedule requests
- Location details (if it is an in-person audition)
- Name of the audition
- Note: Details for auditions initially created in the Post a Job editor are viewable by the public in your published casting call. Any additional audition schedule details added later through the Application Manager will only be visible to applicants who are sent audition requests.
Alternatively, instead of (or in addition to) creating an audition in the Post a Job editor, you can do it from scratch right from within the Application Manager Audition Calendar by clicking Create a New Schedule or by clicking on a specific date in the displayed calendar. This audition information is private and only ever visible to applicants who receive audition requests:
Doing either of these things will open the audition schedule creator.
You can also create a brand new audition schedule by going to the Schedule View within your Application Manager. Please see below:
Finally, you can also create a brand new audition schedule by first selecting one or more applicants and then selecting Request an Audition in the Actions menu or by clicking on the applicant and hitting Request Audition:
Either of those actions will open a screen with 3 options:
- Request a self-tape audition: This option is specifically for requesting self-tapes and is independent from any in-person or virtual audition scheduling.
- Create an in-person audition or virtual audition: This option will take you to the audition schedule creator.
- Move to the auditions unscheduled folder: This option moves applicants to the 'Auditions: Unscheduled' folder, where they can later be added to a new or existing audition schedule.
If you manually select a few applicants before creating your audition schedule, you will see this towards the top of the audition schedule creator screen:
However, you do not have to select any applicants before creating your audition schedule. If none are selected, you can associate it with a specific role or roles:
Or you can just leave it open-ended and decide later which applicants you want to add and for what roles the audition will be.
As mentioned in the first example of how to create a schedule, you would then set up the details for your audition(s).
Using the Schedule View & Editing Your Audition Schedule
After creating your audition schedule you will be asked if you would like to be taken to your Schedule View, which you can also toggle to at any time by clicking Go to Schedule View:
Here’s what an audition schedule looks like in the Schedule View before any applicants have been added:
A) You can hover over this role indicator to see the roles for which there are applications in your audition schedule.
B) Autofill your entire schedule with unscheduled applicants (from the Unscheduled folder). You can see all of your unscheduled applicants at the bottom of the screen, in what’s called Unscheduled Applications.
You can also drag applicants from the Unscheduled Applications drawer to a time slot to add them to your audition schedule. They can be filtered by role by using the menu on the right side.
C) This opens the audition schedule editor, where you can edit your audition name, location, and the date and times of your schedule, including individual time slots:
D) Open a printable version of your audition schedule (this will only work once you have confirmed applicants in your schedule).
E) Expand all time slots.
F) Ability to open a chat window with waiting applicants (this is only for virtual auditions and for confirmed applicants waiting to be auditioned on the audition date).
G) Autofill an individual time slot with unscheduled applicants.
H) This indicates a scheduled break.
Deleting a Schedule
There may be an occasion when something changes with the production and you need to scrap an audition schedule you have created. This can only be done prior to the auditions having started. To delete the schedule, you would click on Edit Details.
This will bring up the Edit Schedule Details where you can click on the trash icon found at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. After clicking that icon, you will the be reminded that if you proceed that the deletion is irreversible.
Organizing Your Schedule & Sending Audition Requests
In the initial audition schedule creator you can choose for your schedule to be either automatically filled with unscheduled applicants or you can manually drag them to your schedule from the Unscheduled Applications drawer. If you choose the manual option, you can always decide to autofill your entire schedule (or autofill individual time slots) later.
Either way, when applicants are added to a time slot you will see several different actions that can be taken:
A) Send new audition requests to all of the applicants in your schedule that are in the "draft" state:
B) Time slot statuses - These numbers indicate how many applicants are in draft state, have confirmed their audition request, or have requested to be rescheduled.
C) Unschedule all applicants from a time slot. This will clear out that particular slot. Note: If an applicant was already sent an audition request, they will now be sent a request-cancellation notification. You also have the option to send these applicants a custom message if you choose.
D) Drag the applicant to another time slot. (This action will bring up a reschedule modal that you would send to the applicant. They will then be able to accept the new times lot you’ve assigned them.)
E) Move the applicants into the Audition: Yes or Audition: No sub-folders, to organize the applicants whose auditions you liked or didn’t like.
F) Unschedule a single applicant from a particular time slot. (The modal shown in section C will appear.)
G) Audition request draft - This will send the applicant the request and move them from “draft” to “sent” status.
After an applicant has been sent an audition request, they move out of the “draft” status. First, they go into “sent” status after the audition request is sent:
Once the applicant confirms their request they will be in “confirmed” status:
If the applicant requests to reschedule their audition, then they will be marked with “reschedule” status:
Applicants who need to reschedule will first be able to select from any open time slot, if you‘ve made the automatic-rescheduling option available to them. Otherwise (or if none of the open time-slots work with their schedule) the applicant will be required to send you a message noting their availability. You can easily see that message by clicking on the clock icon (seen above), which will bring up the page seen below. Clicking Go to my Inbox will take to your Backstage messages, where you can read the message and send a reply if you choose.
Schedule View Filtering
Like the other Application Manager views (e.g. grid view, video view, etc.), there are a variety of ways to filter the applicant results in the schedule view:
- You can apply any filters from the existing filter options (such as filtering by location, gender, skill, etc.).
- You can filter by a specific role.
- You can filter by specific subfolders with the main Auditions folder.
If there are results, your audition schedule will be highlighted to show the relevant details:
Additionally, when filters are applied only time slots that contain highlighted applicants will be expanded by default. The rest will be collapsed.
If there are no results, your audition will be highlighted to show that as well:
The following video provides a convenient walkthrough of our most popular audition tools: