Talent can set up a schedule for themselves within their accounts to keep track of their availability when dealing with in-person or virtual audition requests and work dates. This can be created by going to My Applications.
Setting Up The Schedule/Calendar
Once you are in My Applications, click on the Auditions tab and you will see the blue Set Availability button.
After clicking on that button, you will be taken to the following screen:
Here you can set up spans of time that show when you are available during the week. For instance, in the screenshot below, you can see that an in-person audition was requested on a Wednesday at 10 am. This person had set their schedule of availability to be between 1 pm and 6 pm. On the request, this conflict of time is noted. This would likely result in the person needing to request a different time from the casting director via the Reschedule button.
The Calendar List
To the left of the "Set Availability" button is the "Calendar List" button. By clicking on that, an actor can view upcoming auditions by and date and time.
Above you can see what a typical calendar list may look like for someone who has an audition scheduled. Please note that by default, the calendar view only shows upcoming auditions. However, if you click on the <> located at the upper or bottom right of the screen, you can toggle between past and future auditions for reference purposes.