Shortlists are a convenient way for a casting director to save lists of actors that they find suitable as potential options for roles. This makes for easy sharing of the people you are suggesting for the roles with project collaborators.
Creating a Shortlist
Once you are in the Application Manager and have found the actors that interest you for a particular role, you can begin by selecting them. This can be done either by bulk action or adding actors one at a time.
A. Bulk Action
B. Individually
Set your view to the Details view and then click the Add to a list icon within the applicant card.
After you have made the action to add the actors to a shortlist, you will need to either create a shortlist or add them to one you may have created before by clicking on an existing shortlist name. To create the new shortlist you would simply type in what you would like to call it (typically by role name) and click Add. Then click on the shortlist name to add them to the list.
A. Bulk Action
B. Individually
You will now see your shortlist in the sidebar on the left hand side of the Application Manager.
You can also create a shortlist before adding anyone to it. Simply click on + Create New Shortlist under the Project Shortlists heading in the sidebar, add the title in the modal that appears, and click Add.
Viewing and Sharing your Shortlist
To view your shortlist you would need to simply click on the title and the actors in the list will appear.
You can either share your Shortlist with a collaborator by email or by printing the list out.
The Share button let's you share with an existing Collaborator or invite Shortlist Collaborators to share that specific shortlist with. The Shortlist Collaborator is like a regular collaborator, but they have a more limited access.
The Print button brings you to print friendly page where you can print out the Shortlist.
Removing Someone From or Deleting a Shortlist
You can remove someone from a Shortlist by changing the view to the Details view clicking on the Add to List icon and then clicking on the name of the Shortlist from within the modal that pops up.
To delete a shortlist you can do it one of two ways.
The first is to hover your mouse over the name of the Shortlist and then click on the trash can icon.
The second is from within the Share option.
To see more details regarding collaborators and shortlists. please click here.