We offer three types of profiles: Actor & Performer, Voiceover, and Crew (for industry professionals and freelancers). If you have an existing profile on the site and want to create a new type of profile on the same account, you now have the option to import data from your existing profile to the new profile. For example, if you have an Actor & Performer profile and want to create a Voiceover profile, you can import all or just some of the data over to your new profile.
Note: You cannot have multiple profiles of the same type on an account. You can also only import data during the creation stage of the new profile - existing profiles do not have this option (yet!)
How to Import Your Data
1a. In the header of the page, navigate to and click on Profile and then select the new profile type you would like to add/create from the resulting dropdown options.
1b. If you are in 'Edit Mode' within your profile, an alternate way to create the new profile type would be by clicking on the Create Your options as seen below:
2. After making your selection, you will then see a screen that asks you if you want to import your data.
You can either choose to import or not (it is not mandatory). If choosing to import, you'll notice that you can uncheck boxes if you only want to import certain parts of your profile.
3. After you've decided which sections you want to import, you can then press the Create [Type of] Profile button to create your new profile.
You'll be greeted with a confirmation pop up screen.