With the Media Locker you can upload and store your photos and headshots, video and audio reels, and resumes and documents all in one place.
You can also remove photos present on your profile by using the Media Locker to set the photos to private; attach media to your applications; change the names and captions displayed with your media; and even crop and rotate your photos.
Getting Started
To find your Media Locker, click on Profile in the header and select Media Locker from the dropdown options.
If on the Mandy website, click on the sprocket icon to surface the dropdown menu and select 'Media Locker.'
Your Media Locker automatically includes all of the images, videos, audio clips, and documents that are displayed on your profile, plus any additional media items you choose to add.
The first (left most) tab in the Media Locker displays your photos. You can switch to other media types by clicking the relevant menu tabs, as shown below.
You can also search through your media using the search bar. Options include searching by keyword, and filtering by the settings associated with your media. For instance, you can filter your media to quickly see which of your files are included or not included in your profile:
Adding Media
Uploading Photos, Documents, Video, and Audio Reels
To directly upload a photo, document, video reel, or audio reel click the + Add New button located at the top of the Media Locker.
Please note that uploaded media cannot be added to your profile from the Media Locker. You must do that on the actual profile page in the Media section.
A new menu will slide down giving you a few options on how to upload the file. You can either drag and drop a file from your computer’s file directory (either Finder on Macs, or Windows Explorer) and drag it to the 'drag here to upload' area. Or click select a file and add a file from your computer’s file manager.
The Media Locker can host images of JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats. For documents we accept .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, and .PTF formats. Images have a maximum file size of 100 MB and documents 10 MB.
For direct uploads of video we accept `'.avi', '.mpg', '.mp4', '.ogg', '.hevc', '.mov', '.m4v', '.webm', '.3gp', '.3g2', '.mkv', '.wmv'' file formats. For direct uploads of audio we accept `'.ogg', 'm4a', '.mp3', '.flac', '.aac', '.wav'`.
There is a 2 GB limit on files and 10 minutes of allowable video per upload. Any video longer than 10 minutes in length will upload and complete when it reaches the 10 minute mark and leave off the portion beyond that. To use the direct upload method for video and audio reels, the account must have an active subscription.
Once your new file is uploaded, it will become viewable in your Media Locker. You will see your uploaded photo or document appear in the top left position.
To add a video or audio reel to your Media Locker via the 3rd party sites, paste or type in the URL of the media into the text field provided. Please see here for info regarding suggested viewability settings for media you are adding for pre-screens and self-tape auditions.
This will add the reel to your Media Locker. We accept media from the following services:
For video:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
For audio:
- Soundcloud
Deleting Media
To delete an item from the site, whether photo, video, audio, or document, simply check the checkbox on the item (or items) you'd like to remove.
Then click the Actions dropdown menu and select 'Delete.'
Media Editor
You can make several edits to the photos in your media locker by using the Media Editor. To engage the Media Editor, simply click on the media item in your gallery. This will open up an expanded view of your media item with more details.
Here you can rename your image, edit your images, and adjust your image's privacy and viewability settings.
Viewability Settings
You can select between making your photos Public or Private. Please note that marking the photo Private will remove a photo present on your profile, but you cannot use the Public option to add a photo to the profile anew.
Editing Your Thumbnail
This squared version of your photo is how your images appear in the sidebar of your profile. The thumbnail version of your Primary Photo is also used as the first image casting directors see when they receive a message from you and when they find you in the Talent Database and when they receive a casting call application from you. (Note: You can create thumbnail versions of all of your photos, but it’s especially important to create a good thumbnail for your Primary Photo.)
To edit your thumbnail, click on one of your photos to expand the media editor, then click the Edit Thumbnail button beneath your photo.
This will open the Image Editor.
Under 'Asset Name' you can rename the title of your photo.
Select one of the buttons at top to crop your image or rotate it. Dragging the cropping/resizing grid across your photo will allow you to choose exactly what section of your photo you’d like to display. Save your changes when finished, or click the Revert Changes button to undo all of your edits.
Note: Images cannot be edited while in “Private” mode, as they are in a secure state. If you need to edit a private image, first change it to Public status (you don’t have to include it in your profile at all, just temporarily turn off the privacy option), then edit it, save your changes, and then switch it back to Private.
Attaching Media to an Application
You can customize each of your applications with a combination of photos, videos, audio clips, and documents, plus a cover letter. And sometimes you may even want to attach more media to an active application for a project that you already recently applied to. To read more on applying to opportunities click here.
Note: All of the media items that are displayed on your profile are also automatically included in all of your casting call applications by default, unless you've customized an application with specific media items. So the option to attach additional media to an application is primarily useful when you have a file in your Media Locker that isn’t part of your profile, but that you want a particular casting director or production to see.