As a job poster, our platform allows you to add and manage collaborators on a specific casting call to help you work together in a production's Application Manager, so you can view the same talent submissions, help each other organize the applications, and see each other's notes. You can add either a Full Collaborator or a limited-access Shortlist collaborator.
Collaborator Permissions
A Full Collaborator can access the entire Application Manager for the production you’ve granted them access to, including being able to see all applicants, audition schedules, shortlists, and notes.
Shortlist Collaborators are granted access to only the specific shortlists they’re invited to, and have only limited access to other functionality. To see info about setting up and sharing Shortlists, please see here.
Permission Levels
Project Owners:
- Full access to everything related to the project. This includes the ability to manage the casting call, complete control of the Application Manager, the ability to create shortlists and see the notes of everyone that’s collaborating on the project, and the ability to add and remove collaborators.
- Project owners also have all of the permissions that Collaborators have, but none of the limitations.
Full Collaborators:
- Can see everything that the Project Owner can see.
- Can move applicants in the Application Manager to any folder.
- Can contact applicants.
- Can see all Shortlists associated with the project.
- Can create their own Shortlists and add candidates to their lists.
- Can share existing Shortlists and add Shortlist Collaborators.
- Can leave Notes and see all of the notes associated with the project.
- Can view Audition Schedules.
- Cannot invite additional Full Collaborators.
- Cannot schedule auditions.
- Cannot edit, expire, or extend a casting call.
- Cannot delete other people’s Shortlists.
Shortlist Collaborators:
- Can only view the specific Shortlists they’re invited to.
- Can see all of the applications and media items in the Shortlists they belong to.
- Can leave Notes.
- Can only view the Notes left by other Shortlist Collaborators.
- Cannot view the Notes left by the Project Owner or Full Collaborators.
- Cannot view the full Application Manager or Audition Schedules.
- Cannot move applicants into other Application Manager folders or Yes/No applicants.
- Cannot control the casting call.
- Cannot contact applicants via the Shortlist version of the application.
* Note: Project Owners and Collaborators can leave notes on Applications. These notes are intended for collaboration. Applicants cannot see these notes (to contact an Applicant, use the messaging options instead). Project Owners and Full Collaborators can see all notes. But Shortlist Collaborators can only see the notes of other Shortlist Collaborators.
Adding Your First Collaborator
Adding collaborators to a project is easy!
- Once logged in you will automatically be taken to your Casting Dashboard (if not, you can select the Dashboard icon located in the top right of your screen).
- Below My Productions you will see Collaborators with an arrow. Click on that.
- You will be taken to your Collaborators view where you can invite a collaborator by clicking the Invite a Collaborator button.
- A modal will now appear. Select the production you want to add a collaborator to from the dropdown menu. Add the collaborator's email address (the one associated with their site account, if they have one already) and include a brief message if desired.
- Click the OK button and your newly invited collaborator will now show up in the collaborator section.
Managing Collaborators
You can add new collaborators or manage existing ones by following the instructions below.
Adding Additional Collaborators
- Once you've navigated to your Casting Dashboard (see step 1 above), click on either the Collaborators heading or Go to Collaborators View.
- Follow steps 3-5 above to add another new collaborator.
Removing Collaborators
You can also remove collaborators if it is no longer appropriate for them to be assigned to a specific project.
- Navigate to the Collaborators View page as outlined in Step 1 above.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the collaborator that you want to remove.
- This will expand the collaborator view and show all the productions they are assigned to. By selecting Unassign you will remove them from the production. If there are multiple productions and you select all of them, the person will be removed as a collaborator altogether (but they can always be added back in later).
Assigning Existing Collaborators
You can also assign already existing collaborators to new productions.
- Once in the Collaborators page, find the collaborator you'd like to assign to an additional production, and click on Assign Production.
- A modal will appear allowing you to select from your productions, active ones first. Click the Select Productions dropdown menu and then the checkbox to the left of the production(s) and click on the Assign to Production(s) button.
*If desired, you can add a collaborator to an expired project as well through this method.