In addition to the Actor & Performer and Crew Profiles, there is an ability to create a Voiceover Profile that can be used to showcase your best voiceover work and apply to voice specific job opportunities.
Creating the Voiceover Profile
You can create your Voiceover Profile by clicking on 'Profile' at the top center of the screen and selecting Add Voiceover Profile from the drop-down. You can also create one via the upper area of the page within any other profile you may have. Simply click on Create Your Voiceover Profile. Please note that once you have created an additional profile, you may switch back and forth between them by clicking on the profile type of your choosing.
If creating the profile via the second scenario, you will be greeted by a pop up speaking to what the Voiceover Profile offers and asking if you would like to import details from an existing profile. You may choose to import everything offered (as seen in the screenshot below), some of the details, or not to import anything at all. After making your decisions, you would select Create Voiceover Profile to proceed.
Now you will find yourself on the Voiceover Profile page. Read through the pop up seen below and click OK to proceed.
The Voiceover Profile page is now presented to you as seen below. The next steps will be fleshing it out with information and reels.
- There is an 'About Me' section where you can speak to all things related to your voiceover career.
- By clicking on the edit icon next to 'Voice Characteristics' a person can list character voices performed and voice age.
- Under 'Voice Abilities' a person can list the accents they can do, the languages they speak, and their voice styles.
- 'Voice Reels' is where you can upload applicable video and audio reels to your Voiceover Profile. Please note that if you already have reels on your Actor & Performer Profile, you would need to do the Add Selected step to bring them to the Voiceover Profile page. To do this, you would click on either Manage Voice Reels or Add voice reels and then click on the + button next to 'Voice Reels.' You will now be given options to import or upload media. To be able to do the direct media upload, you must have an active subscription to the site. If you attempt to do it without a subscription, you will be greeted with a pop up window explaining that you need the subscription. Please note that you can always upload using the YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud options. After uploading you can rename the asset, add a caption should you choose, identify the production type, and add tags.
- The 'Voice Samples' section offers sample scripts that you can use to record audio reels if you do not have any from prior work done or are just starting out. If you click on Add voice sample, a pop up will appear with the art direction and the script. After you have used the script to record your audio off-site, you can click on Add a Voice Sample to upload it to your profile. To be able to upload voice samples, you must have an active subscription to the site.
- Just like on the Actor & Performer Profile page, you can note your union membership if you belong to one.
- Similar to the Actor & Performer Profile page, you can add links to pertinent pages.
- The 'Home Studio' section lets you note if you have a home studio setup and allows for you to describe it so that a person looking over your profile knows what you are equipped with.
- Also like on the Actor & Performer Profile page, you can list credits and note representation.
Finding Voiceover Roles
To find voiceover opportunities, users only need to select "Voiceover" and Voiceover will automatically be applied under "Role Type" in the casting calls page filter.
Applying to Opportunities for Voiceover Roles
Once you have created the Voiceover Profile page, you will now use that to apply to voice specific roles. If a person attempts to apply to a voice specific role and they have not created the Voiceover Profile, they will be prompted to do so as it is now necessary to have that profile created in order to apply.
Clicking on Create Voiceover Profile will bring the person to the beginning steps that were outlined above.
When the user has a voiceover profile, the application process is similar to the process of applying to other roles. If the user has voice reels in their profile, those voice reels will be automatically added to the application.