If you are looking to find talent for your project, you will want to post a job notice on our site. Your listing can include a plot synopsis, a full breakdown of the characters you're casting for, media assets (such as script sides, your company logo, promotional posters, your directing reel, etc.), links, audition details, and other key project details. You can post a listing for cast and crew, to look for new talent to represent, to hire writers and staff, to hire performers looking for survival jobs, and more. To begin the process you would want to click on the 'Post a Job' button.
Getting Started
If you are new to the site, the process will being with some preliminary information gathering intended to make for a smooth onboarding experience.
The first question will be in regards to the type of talent you are seeking. There are currently six options from which to choose:
- Actors & Performers - Actors, extras, all types of screen and stage talent
- Voiceover - Voiceover talent
- Creative Freelancers & Crew - All positions for film and stage staff and crew
- Content Creators & Real People - Onbrand talent, influencers, etc.
- Models - Models for all types of modeling assignments.
- Other
Next will be a question about the project type:
Upon making a selection here, further information will be gathered about the project:
After completing this step, an organizational question will be asked:
The final step will be providing some information about yourself:
The information will be available for review as seen below:
Press continue and you will be greeted by the modal below:
As noted above, the Get Started steps will not have to be revisited in the future.
What is shown below is where existing account holders will start their job posting journey each time a new job is posted.
Posting the Job
You will first be asked to select the type of talent you need. There are currently six options:
- Actors & Performers - Actors, extras, all types of screen and stage talent
- Voiceover - Voiceover talent
- Creative Freelancers & Crew - All positions for film and stage staff and crew
- Content Creators & Real People - Onbrand talent, influencers, etc.
- Models - Models for all types of modeling assignments.
- Other
1. Project Details & Payment Information
Under these sections you will enter the Title, Type, Genre, Production Company, Production Personnel, Production Description, Production Website, Union Status, and Compensation & Union Contract Details.
As seen above, you may also choose to pay your talent using our Secure Payments.
2. Dates & Locations
Here you will note when you would like the posted listing to expire and where the rehearsals and production will take place for the project.
Below this you will note where you are seeking talent from as well as where auditions would be held should there be any. You would also note any special submission or audition instructions that the talent would need to be aware of.
To provide information regarding auditions, you would click on Add Audition Details. That will bring up the window below where you would state where the audition will be held, the audition type (open call or by appointment) and the time and date of same.
3. Additional Materials
This is the place where you can make your listing stand out by attaching media assets (script sides, a company logo, video reels, audio clips, etc.).
4. Company Information
***This will only appear for existing account holders who have never added this information previously
5. Add Roles
At the bottom of the page you will see a button to add roles.
After pressing that you will be taken to a new page. Here you will be asked to select what type of talent you will need and prompted to Add a Role.
You will now be taken to the page where you enter the pertinent information for a particular role. Enter a Role Name. This can be a specific character name like "Arlo Pear," or a general term like Actors, Singers, Dancers, Interns, Writer, etc. You would next select the Role Type. Then you will note if the job is a remote/work from home opportunity or not. Use the gender, age, and ethnicity options to correctly tag the role for enhanced discoverability. Next note any Skills needed for the role if applicable. Then fill in the Role Description to describe the character you're casting or job you're hiring for.
You can also set media requirements to limit your response to only applicants that have photos, video, or audio assets on their profiles. This can dramatically limit the response, so we recommend starting out by only choosing Photos (you'll still get to see video and audio reels anyway, when the talent has those assets available).
There is also an option to edit payment at the role level. For instance, if this particular role justifies a larger pay rate (as in the case of the lead actor), this can be adjusted here.
Once you have entered everything, click on Save Role. This will take you back to the previous page where you can add other roles as needed or proceed with finishing the posting of the notice.
6. Submission Settings
Here you will note if you want to accept submissions. This is the most common choice. Not accepting submissions would most often be used if you are holding an open call and are looking for talent to just show up. When accepting submissions you will select if and how often you would like to receive notifications of new applicants and to what email you would like those notifications sent. You can also choose if you only want to be notified of local and in-state submissions.
Finally, you can select the default view of how applications are viewed in your Application Manager. The options are Grid, List. Video Reels, or Audio Reels.
7. Pre-Screens
At the bottom of the page there will be a button to take you to the 'Pre-Screen' page.
This is where you can add pre-screen requests per role to potentially evaluate more fully at the time of application submission should you so choose.
Clicking the +Add button will bring up the pre-screen modal seen below:
Simply select the type of media you want submitted (video or audio), include a message or instructions for the talent, attach sides for the talent to use for the pre-screen, and select the role the pre-screen is for. When these steps are completed, click Save and the modal will close.
7a. Pre-Screen Questions
You may also create up to 3 pre-screen questions to request talent to submit answers to with their applications. These questions can be of 2 types:
- Yes/No
- Short Answer
Click the +Add button to bring up the pre-screen question page
Select the question type, create the questions you are looking to ask, select the role(s) the questions pertain to and click Save. For more in depth information about pre-screen questions, please view this article.
8. Checkout
By clicking on the Review button, you will be taken to a preview of what the listing will look like. Once satisfied with the way it looks, you will click on the Checkout button. This is the final step. Here you will select your options and the accompanying payment. Once you have settled on this, click on Complete Order and you will be taken to the checkout screen where you will complete the order. Once your order is completed, your notice is live and your casting process begins!
For more information for about casting on our site, please feel free to look at our User Guide for Creators.