Crew profiles are here to help those working behind the camera find jobs in production. The profiles will allow you to showcase pertinent skills, work history, and links to prior work you might want to share with potential employers.
Creating the Crew Profile
Crew Profiles can be created by navigating from the homepage and clicking on the For Talent heading.
A dropdown menu will appear, from which you can select Creative Freelancers + Crew.
You will then be greeted by our landing page. Click on Join Now to create your crew profile.
You'll now be prompted to enter your email. Enter your email and click Next.
You can now enter a password for your new account.
Fill out the rest of the sections, taking care to check the boxes confirming that you've read and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as well as the box confirming that you are at least 18 years old. Click Next when you're done.
On the next page, you'll be met with the Success! screen. Click on Create a Crew Profile to start setting up your profile.
First you'll be asked to confirm your age. If you are of age, click No, Over 18 to confirm that you are 18 years old or older.
You will then be asked to enter your date of birth. Enter your date of birth in the following date format - Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YYYY). Click Next when you're done.
After this, you can start filling out the basic details of your profile. This includes your full name, your professional title, the profile URL you want to use, a photo, your preferred pronouns (optional), your location, roles, and your preferred hourly rate and currency.
Even if you are not an actor/performer, you must upload a photo to create a profile.
Choose to set your profile to Public or Private, and then click on Create Profile when finished.
Your profile is now created!
Editing and Managing Your Crew Profile
You can now fill out the rest of your crew profile in detail.
- Switch to and/or create another profile -Clicking on the different profile options allows you to navigate to create an Actor & Performer Profile or a Voiceover Profile. Once you've created the other profiles, you can easily navigate to your other profiles with a click of a button! You can change your default profile by switching to a different profile, and then clicking on Make this your default profile. The text will then update to This is your default profile in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- Profile Visibility -You can easily toggle your profile visibility from Public to Private (and vice versa) here.
- Basic Info -This is where you can edit your Basic Info section (name, preferred pronoun, professional/working title, URL, location, hourly rate, etc.). This is the same section you first filled out when creating your profile.
- Highlighted Media -Pictorial, video, and audio examples of your work. Please note that only the first item for each media category is highlighted here on your profile.
- About Me -Write a short introduction along with some background on yourself. This is also where you can list how many years you've worked in the industry.
- Websites/Social Media -Add any relevant links such as a personal website, a YouTube channel, press you may have received, etc.
- Roles -List the various roles you can perform and your proficiency -i.e. Art Director, Film Editor, Gaffer, etc.
- My Equipment/Kit -Where you can note if you own your own equipment & software, describing what you have to potential employers.
- Skills -You can list which tools, equipment, and software you have experience using and your proficiency with them -i.e. editing software, cameras, etc.
- Resumes & Documents -Upload your resume and any other useful documents here.
- Projects I've worked on -List your professional credits, which speak to specific content you've had a role in creating.
- License & Passport -Note whether you are eligible to drive and travel with an active driver's license or passport.
- Clients I've worked with -Showcases your employment or freelancing history and responsibilities with certain clients and companies.
- Education & Training -List your education and training -i.e. film school attended, completed courses/programs, etc.
- Union Membership -If you belong to a union, you can note your membership here.
- Representation -If you have an agent and/or manager, you can list them here along with their contact information.
Media Tab
The Media Tab, as its name implies, stores all your media. This includes Photos, Videos, Audio, and Documents.
Located just beneath the Media tab you can filter your media by type using the icons pictured above.
Clicking the + sign next to headings (i.e. Photos, Videos, Audio, Resumes & Documents) will allow you to add more media.
Note that media added to your profile will appear by default on your draft applications.
Here you can add, sort, and edit your videos on your profile.
1. Clicking the + sign will allow you to add a video already in your Media Locker or add a new video not already present in your account.
2. Clicking the pencil icon will bring up a window allowing you to edit the information on your video (asset name, caption, production type, tags).
3. Clicking the circled X will remove the photo from your profile, but it will remain in your Media Locker.
4. Clicking on the compass arrows will allow you to drag and drop your photos to reposition them as you like.
There are two options by which to add video to your profile. The first is to add it from the 3rd party sites YouTube or Vimeo. The second is to do a direct media upload from your device, which requires a subscription. ***As crew profiles are currently free, the direct upload option is not recommended at this time.
Importing from YouTube & Vimeo
Please note that before using this method to add media to your profile, the video and must be first uploaded to either YouTube or Vimeo. It must be set to Public and allow for embedding on other sites (i.e. set to Public).
To perform the import, click the + button next to the Video heading to add the media. The process is fairly straightforward as you can see in the following windows. To import new media, copy and paste the media URL into the import text field and click Import.
Once imported, the media will appear in the list above. Click the check box in the top left corner of the imported media, and then click the Add Selected Videos button and your media will be added to your profile.
Here you can add, sort, and edit your photos on your profile.
1. Clicking the + sign will allow you to add a photo already in your Media Locker or upload a new photo from your computer.
2. Clicking the pencil icon will bring up a window allowing you to crop the thumbnail image of that photo or rename it.
3. Clicking the circled X will remove the photo from your profile, but it will remain in your Media Locker.
4. Clicking on the compass arrows will allow you to drag and drop your photos to reposition them as you like.
There are two options by which to add audio to your profile. The first is to add it from the 3rd party site SoundCloud. The second is to do a direct media upload from your device, which requires a subscription.
Importing from SoundCloud
Please note that before using this method to add media to your profile, the audio must be first uploaded to SoundCloud. It must be set to Public and allow for embedding on other sites (i.e. set to Public).
To perform the import, the process is the same as was described for videos. Click the + button next to the Audio heading to add the media. Copy and paste the media URL into the import text field and click Import. Once imported, the media will appear in the list. Click the check box in the top left corner of the imported media, and then click the Add Selected Audio button and your media will be added to your profile.
Resumes & Documents
Documents are uploaded and added in the same manner as photos. Documents are normally hidden from other users (since they contain personal contact information). However, if you apply to a job, the poster will be able to view your documents as you do. Clicking on your document will download it to your computer.
Highlights Tab
*Note: The Highlights tab will be invisible unless you have an entry. To create your first entry, click on the 'Edit Profile' button at the top of the window.
You can use this section of your profile to share information about your career, testimonials from clients, or just info about yourself in general. Add as many or as few entries as you want. You can even give each entry a date to create a timeline of your career highlights or achievements.
Click the Add a Highlight button to add a new highlight.
Once added, you can edit a highlight by clicking the pencil icon or remove a highlight by clicking the x.
A completed profile might look something like this:
Finding Crew Jobs
Once your crew profile is in order and you're ready to find and start applying to job postings, head over to our Find Jobs page to see which crew jobs are currently available. To search for crew opportunities, users only need to select Crew to filter by that type.
Once you've done that, the Role Type will automatically filter to Staff/Crew.
You can then use any of the other filters to narrow down the search results (Location, Production Type, Union status, etc.). For more info on how to search for opportunities and save a search with the selected filters, please see here.
Applying to Crew Job Opportunities
Once you've located a posting that you are interested in, you can either click on the Apply button on the right hand side to immediately start your application for that specific role, or you click on the title of the production to view the full job notice.
To apply to the job, you can either select the role you’d like from the dropdown in the upper right corner, the Roles section, or at the bottom of the page.
If a person attempts to apply to a crew specific role and they have not created the Crew Profile, they will be prompted to do so as it is necessary to have that profile created in order to apply.
Clicking on Create Crew Profile will bring the person to the beginning steps that were outlined above.
Once the profile is in order and you have clicked Apply, you will be taken to the application page.
Application Assets
Next to each section within the application you can see the application assets you must include in order to successfully apply to this job.
Required assets can include a profile, photo, video reel, audio reel, resume, and cover letter. An application cannot be submitted unless all required assets are accounted for.
Saving an Application
If you want to apply to a job but can’t do so at the moment, you can choose to save your application and apply later. Click the Save button at the top right of your application, right above the 'Role Details' section or at the bottom of the page.
Once you save, your application will be stored in the 'Drafts' section of your 'My Applications' in your Talent Dashboard.
Submitting Your Application
When you are finished customizing your application, scroll down to the bottom of your application page and click the Apply Now button.
You will then see a 'Success!' pop up screen which confirms that you've applied.